Burn better to improve air quality
17/06/2021If you use an open fire or stove, there are things that you can do to burn better. When using poor quality fuels, such as wet wood or house coal, tiny harmful particles present in smoke are released into the air, which could damage your health and the health of those around you. But the good news is a few small changes can make a massive difference to the air you breathe. Watch the following video from Defra to find out more:
Here are some wood suppliers who I would recommend from personal knowledge and use of their seasoned wood:
- Vicky Bowditch Logs - 07903 204849
- Richard Ball Logs - 07767 624768 or 01823 664553
- Mike West Logs - 07747 483316
Another very informative set of videos come from the Federation of British Chimney Sweeps - see them below: